Day 1
Sun, Nov 16, 2025
Departs 3:30
Departure Day –Resting in AWE and Wonder with your Inner Child
* Check in on the cruise ship.
* Welcome/Meet and Greet your new friends/ Eclipse community in the Sky Lounge. Encouragement through names Ice Breaker ...
* Exploratory tour of the Ship with Shelly and Lisa
- Overview of the retreat schedule
Optional Jacuzzi soaking in the Solarium and Connect with your Inner child
**Day 2:
Mon, Nov 17, 2025
At Sea Resting in His Love, Light, and Life
Opening session: Morning Prayer Walking with Holy Spirit-Deck 14:**
: Group Bible Reading: "Reflecting on the Fullness of the life of Holy Spirit and the 7 Spirits through John 14-16
and Revelation 1:4-5
"Anchoring in His Presence"
**Afternoon: Workshop: "Breathing to Rest and Connect the Soul" – Techniques for letting go of distractions, connecting the heart and focusing on Fellowship with Holy Spirit.
Optional group reflection time...
* Restful free time to enjoy the ship’s amenities or quiet spaces.
**Evening:*** Group gathering: "Soaking to Worship" – An evening of soaking worship
* Group prayer and blessings to set intentions for the retreat
**Day 3:
Tues, Nov 18, 2025
Grand Cayman –
The Gift of God's Word**Experiencing Rest in The Word
**Morning Opening Session :**Bathing in God's Word through Elijah's life"
Experiencing Rest in God’s Word. Hearing God's voice through scripture and journaling
reflect on scriptures shared in community.
Love Letters from God exercise...
Reading of Love Letters while Soaking
Afternoon/Evening: Free time to explore Grand Cayman beaches or enjoy water activities.* Optional small group discussion: .
* Sunset devotional: "The Power of Blessing" Genesis and Proverbs 11:25)
**Day 4:
Weds, Nov 19, 2025
Cozumel –
Resting In Jesus**
**Morning session: "Living in Encounter" – Cultivating a lifestyle of intimacy with Jesus (John 15:4-5).* Immanuel Guided prayer walk on the beach to encounter Jesus personally.
Workshop on Immanuel-Practical Connection with Jesus-
**Afternoon:** Free time to enjoy Cozumel’s natural beauty or rest by the sea.
Connect with Jesus and Nature" – Recognizing God’s presence in creation (Psalm 19:1).* Nature walk or beach meditation: Gaze upon God’s handiwork and spend time in prayer.- **Afternoon:**
* Optional opportunities for deep individual and group therapeutic healing
**Day 5:
Thurs, Nov 20, 2025–
At Sea
Resting in Silence
- **Morning:
Intentional and Effective Silence: The art of quieting the soul to hear God's voice (1 Kings 19:12)* Guided silence session for personal reflection and prayer.
Workshop on The Power of Silence
* Reflection and gratitude journaling: letter to God about the retreat experience.
- **Afternoon:**
Sharing insights from moments of silence. -
**Evening:*** Worship under the stars: Reflective Soaking music and prayer for peace and renewal
* Group blessing and prayer of commissioning for ongoing rest and renewal.
* Free time to pack and prepare for disembarkation.
- **Evening:**
* Informal farewell gathering and fellowship with retreat participants.
* Group communion and prayer time.
**Day 6:
Fri, Nov 21, 2025
Bahamas –
Deep Calls To Deep
Deep Soul and Spiritual Care
* Early morning session opportunities for healing:
* Free time to explore the Bahamas or rest on the beach.
* Optional one-on-one soul care sessions for deep emotional and spiritual healing.
- **Evening:**
* Sunset gathering on the beach: "The Power of Blessing in Community."
**Evening:*** "Carrying the Rest – Creating a sustainable rhythm of rest and renewal in daily life.
**Day 7 :
Sat, Nov 22, 2025
Arrival 7:00 am