The Holy Spirit has brought Shelly and Lisa together for such a time as this...
Blessing -
I learned so much about Blessing.
Lisa explained that this was a time for me to “receive“. She instructed me to look at her and she looked into my eyes. I could rest because I trusted her. She spoke a number of things to me that were encouraging and
The Holy Spirit has brought Shelly and Lisa together for such a time as this...
Blessing -
I learned so much about Blessing.
Lisa explained that this was a time for me to “receive“. She instructed me to look at her and she looked into my eyes. I could rest because I trusted her. She spoke a number of things to me that were encouraging and loving. Then she said to me with conviction that I would be “fruitful".
This impacted my soul deeply because, what she did not know was that the word “fruitful” had come up in my morning reading and had planted a seed in my heart. I want to be fruitful again in my life! To hear her say that very word was reassuring and restorative …
Truly a blessing!❤️
During the process of Emmanuel, Lisa suggested I visit with Jesus and then tell her what He said to me. To be honest, I wasn’t sure Jesus would speak to me at that moment. In spite of my doubt, however, He did speak and it was very specific!
He said, “You are turning your concerns into worry. You can trust me. Watch!”
Years ago, the Holy Spirit had taught me to; “Present my needs to God in every form of prayer and in petitions full of gratitude. Then God’s own peace, which is beyond all understanding will stand guard over your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.“ (Phil. 4:6-7)
The Holy Spirit had further clarified for me that I should begin with Thanksgiving. This changed my prayer life and for the most part took worry away.
However, I had not realized that recently I had not been allowing God’s gift of peace to replace my concerns. I needed to be reminded again that I could trust Jesus !
Shelly also gave me three words after my Emmanuel experience:
This was very healing and affirming, as I love my family and yet, the Lord has led me to follow Him in a different way than He is leading them.